Canvas Prints

We want to redefine the custom home decor experience. Creating wall art should be fun and easy, so we let our customers be our guide.

Crafted With Love In
Charlotte, North Carolina

Stretched Canvas

Handmade in USA. Premium Floating Frames.

Your Moments

Preserve Your Special Moments on Canvas.

Live, Laugh, Love

Untouchable Quality, Unbeatable Price.

Many Sizes Available

Turn your photos to canvas with UPILAB ROES. Your photos on canvas are great for decorating your home or office, and perfect as photo gifts! With our easy to use canvas prints software, you can turn your very own image into a stunning work of art on canvas!

Our canvas prints are printed and stretched in-house by our canvas professionals and come ready to hang or display with a classic semi-gloss finish. Just choose your canvas size and wrap thickness, upload your pictures or art, and choose your border for a personalized canvas print of your own. We can’t wait for you to see the quality of our canvas pictures!

Two Frame Options

Standard Frame 0.625″

The solid wood frame has a thickness of .625″ and is so light that you need only one or two nails to hang it on the wall, depending on the format.

Premium Frame 1.375″

Choose the Premium wooden frame and double the strength for your photo canvas for a true gallery effect.

Our team takes pride in turning your cherished memories into beautiful works of art, one expertly crafted canvas print at a time.

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